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The EQ-i Assessment:
Great leaders aren’t born. They’re developed.

The EQi Model - Used by Ascent Method Co

Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, is the single most important predictor of success and impactful leadership.


Unlike IQ, it’s not a static factor. In fact, a person’s emotional intelligence can change over time and can be strengthened in key, targeted areas.

With thoughtfully designed development plans you can reach new levels of success simply by building & strengthening key EQ areas.

The EQ-i 2.0 assessment is a scientifically validated test that measures 5 key EQ areas and 15 EQ subsets. The assessment also provides a comprehensive Well Being Indicator and action plans for EQ development.

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Why take an EQ-i assessment? 

  • Identify your strengths and areas for refinement to achieve your business goals faster


  • As a manager, when given to your employees it will help you identify and develop future managers and leaders


  • As a business leader it will help you hire more effectively when added to your recruitment process

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Why take an EQ-i from Ascent Method?  

The EQ-i assessment is offered by companies across the globe. Each provider is certified, and they're all providing the same exact assessment - so does it matter where you purchase the EQ-i? 


Yes. Everyone knows data is only good when it is actionable. Ascent Method pairs the EQ-i assessment with a debrief from an ICF certified coach. Which means you get a deep analysis of your results, and a plan 100% specified to you. 


Don't all EQ-i assessments come with analysis?


Yes every EQ-i comes with a written analysis. Ascent Method's ICF certified coach will help you truly understand and apply that analysis. It will show you how the information relates to you or your employee, what you can do with the insights - AND answer any questions you have.


You will leave the session with an actionable plan for improvement. 


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Coaching isn't therapy.  It's product development, with you as the product.

- Fast Company

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