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Executive Coaching Will Help You Experience Greater Success Faster

It’s a proven fact – backed by data from the International Coaching Federation and the top performing business leaders you know and respect. Top performers made it to where they are and continue to experience success because of coaching and mentoring.


Eric Schmidt, Steve Jobs, Serena Williams, Michael Phelps, Bill Gates, Atul Gawande, the list of high performers who have a coach to thank is ever growing. According to Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, companies like Google and Apple can attribute much of their trillion-dollar valuations to their invaluable business coach.

With the Ascent Method, you experience success faster with the same executive coaching strategies and tools used by top leaders around the world tailored to your specific situation and budget.

The process is simple. You set the goals and objectives, and we help you develop the appropriate plan of action to achieve them.

It’s about creating awareness, identifying what is holding you back, and uncovering the resources you need to accomplish your goals. 


Awareness creates space for learning, and learning is the pathway to new, improved outcomes.

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Top Leadership Coaching Programs & Objectives


Executive & Leadership Coaching

Whether you’re looking to earn a raise, secure your next promotion, land your next opportunity in business, or build the best leadership team for your organization, leadership skills are the fuel to get you there. The Ascent Method will help you learn and implement the skills and tools necessary to enhance your effectiveness individually and as part of an organization.

Young Business Colleagues

Change Management & Transition Strategy Coaching

Change and transition can be paralyzing at worst and can slow your productivity and decision process at best. Whether you’re facing an extensively planned project, an unexpected situation, or you simply conduct business in a volatile industry, change is inevitable. Ascent’s leadership coaching programs will help you navigate change and teach you how to make solid decisions regardless of the situation.

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Sales & Revenue Growth Coaching

Sales and revenue growth hinge on your ability to recognize and act upon opportunities quickly. The Ascent Method will help you pinpoint actionable opportunities and build the confidence you need to pursue them with certainty.

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Personal Growth Coaching

When your current situation does not reflect where you want to be or your full potential, coaching can help. Personal Growth Coaching with Ascent will help you uncover and overcome the hurdles standing in the way of your desired success. Whether you want to make better business decisions, or personal choices, Ascent coaching can help you reach your potential.

Extraordinary leaders deliver unbelievable outcomes.

Not sure if coaching is for you? Connect with Matt to learn more about it and learn what you can expect!

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“Most people never pick up the phone and call. Most people never ask. And that’s what separates sometimes the people that do things from the people that just dream about them.” Steve Jobs

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